Dry & Frizzy Hair – how to fix!!!

Dry, Frizzy, Brittle and Falling Hair

In the last couple of weeks I have noticed that my hair has been dull, lifeless and frizzy.  It made me realise that there was something ‘out of balance’ in my body and I started to look for answers.  I was deficient in silica and iodine and this was affecting my thyroid function ultimately causing frizzy hair.  But for some people, dry frizzy hair can be a sign of other internal body imbalances.  Of course, overuse of chemicals, hair straighteners, curling irons and other devices can dry the hair out, but often it is a sign of something deeper.

Hair is made up of 3 layers – the outer layer protects the inner layers.  Natural oils found in the outer layer reflect light – this makes your hair shine.  If your hair is extremely dry, the outer layer has deteriorated or broken down and this makes it appear lifeless.


Poor nutrition and a diet lacking in protein, certain minerals and essential fatty acids can cause dry and falling hair.  Overconsumption of saturated fats, sugar and alcohol is a perfect way to reduce the quality of your hair. The most important minerals for hair quality and growth are silica, iodine and iron and the most important essential fatty acids are gamma-linoleic acid like those found in evening primrose oil, borage seed oil, hemp oil and avocado.  A lack of protein definitely causes splitting and brittle hair – so stock up on good sources of protein like organic nuts & seeds, small catch local fish (metal free), organic tempeh, avocado, hemp seeds and if you eat meat, organic chicken or turkey.

Weather Conditions

Summer can mean lots of sun exposure, swimming in chlorine pools and over-use of hair products which all result in dehydration of the hair.  In Winter, the extreme cold often causes us to sit in internal artificial heating conditions which can strip all of the moisture from your hair.  If you find yourself in this situation, try using a little jojoba oil, coconut oil or SHEA butter in your hair.  Shea butter is my GO-TO for keeping my hair moist.

Hormone Changes

Hormones have a dramatic effect on the quality of a person’s hair.  Oestrogen, testosterone and thyroid hormones directly affect the quality of a woman’s hair.   When a woman is ‘hypothyroid’ she doesn’t produce enough active thyroid hormones (T3, T4) which are needed for the body’s use of protein and energy making and this has a direct impact on causing dry, brittle and falling hair.  A major cause of this is iodine deficiency.  Iodine is extremely deficient in today’s society as our soils are highly depleted in this mineral and one of the highest sources of this is found in seafood, however much of this contains heavy metals like mercury.   Other causes of hypothyroidism include selenium, Vitamin A or D deficiency, high stress levels, poor digestion including ‘leaky gut syndrome’ and/or parasites, adrenal exhaustion, heavy metal or chemical exposure, inflammation and many other causes. Hypoparathyroidism is a condition related to the parathyroid. A low level of the parathyroid hormone (PTH) affects the way the body processes calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D and this can all affect hair quality. Low progesterone often causes falling hair and high stress levels can be the direct cause of poor progesterone production.  Saliva is the most accurate way to test levels of hormones within the body.  So if you have had a blood test and told your thyroid levels are OKAY – I would suggest actually having a ‘saliva hormone profile’ done to see if this really is the case.  We only use saliva or urine to check hormone levels in our health centre.

High Aluminium Levels

Aluminium is the most common heavy metal found in the environment.  It is found in cookware, deodorants, toothpaste (yes – toothpaste) and alum salts are used to treat most tap water supplies, so if you do not have an amazing water filter then you may be drinking lots of aluminium.  The problem with aluminium is that it depletes silica from the body.  Silica is essential for hair and nail growth and directly affects falling hair.

Poor Absorption of Nutrients

Many people suffer from malabsorption problems due to irritable bowel, stress, inflammatory bowel conditions, food intolerances and others.  This can all affect a person’s ability to absorb nutrients.  Low stomach chemicals inhibit the absorption of protein and minerals which directly affects the quality of hair.  A great test to check for low stomach acids – get some raw, apple cider vinegar (with the mother) and take 1 teaspoon straight – if it doesn’t burn, it is likely your stomach chemicals are low. We help to correct this deficiency in our health centre.

My Luscious Hair Shake

1/2 cup of coconut water, quinoa, almond or another milk

1/2 cup of purified water

1 tablespoon of unbleached LECITHIN granules

1 tablespoon of tahini

10 mL of pure silica liquid or gel or diatomaceous earth

2 tablespoons of organic super greens (wheatgrass, barley, spirulina)

1/2 cup of blueberries or another type of dark berry

1 tablespoon of molasses (a rich source of iron)

2 tablespoons of hemp oil or duo’s oil (rich source of omega 3, 6 and 9)

1 teaspoon of pure MSM (optional – rich in sulphur for hair quality)

Blend with a little ice and drink daily to improve hair quality and texture.


In winter, I often heat up a little SHEA OIL and put this over my hair and then wrap in a towel or some other covering.  This is the perfect way to restore lost oils to the outer layer.  Every time I make a salad I put hemp oil, udo’s oil or flaxseed oil on top and in winter I take an extra borage oil capsule every day.

I hope these tips can help restore the lustre to your hair.  If you are still struggling to work out a cause, please contact our centre on 0755363113 and we would love to help you to get back your luscious locks.  Luv Katrina xxx

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