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Article: HEAVY METALS - Modern Hormone Disruptors

HEAVY METALS - Modern Hormone Disruptors

HEAVY METALS - Modern Hormone Disruptors

Heavy metals are toxic elements that have a relatively high density compared to that of water. Their widespread domestic, agricultural, medical, pharmaceutical and technological use has led to a wide distribution of these dangerous elements in the environment, raising concerns for not only the ecological health and longevity of our planet, but also for the health and well-being of humans.

Some of the most dangerous toxic heavy metals found in the environment include antimony, lead, arsenic, aluminum, mercury and cadmium. These heavy metals are highly dangerous as they can cause multiple organ and tissue damage and are potentially carcinogenic and damaging to the body’s DNA. Environmental pollution is another primary source of heavy metals and this includes mining, smelters, coal burning, petroleum production, nuclear power stations, plastics, textiles, wood preservation, paper processing, electronics industry and so much more.

The danger of toxic metals increasing in our environment is worsened by the low mineral content found in today’s soils. Minerals help to protect against heavy metal ingestion and toxicity by competing with them for absorption.  If a food is low in minerals, the body absorbs more of the toxic metals from this food.  Agricultural and farming soils are so deficient in minerals primarily due to over production of crops, GMO modification and cross breeding crops for increased disease resistance.  Superphosphate fertilizers are used to produce a higher yield by stimulating growth, but unfortunately these crops can damage the mineral content in soils. Toxic pesticides used in commercial farming damages soil micro-organisms needed to help plants absorb minerals from soils. Harvesting of grain crops with the use of glyphosates like roundup, food refining and processing makes a food lose its mineral content even further. A good example of this is whole wheat. When the flour from wheat is milled to make white flour it causes 40% loss of chromium, 86% of manganese, 89% of cobalt, 78% of zinc and 48% of molybdenum.    

Some metals like cobalt (Co), copper (Cu), chromium (Cr), iron (Fe), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo), nickel (Ni), selenium (Se) and zinc (Zn) are essential nutrients that are vital for the health of various biological and physiological functions. Inadequate supply of these micro-nutrients can result in a variety of deficiency diseases or syndromes.   An example of this is copper. Copper is needed for healthy skin and collagen, iron absorption, communication of nerve cells and energy production, however when in excess it can cause irritability, fatigue, nausea, headaches, seizures, depression, violence, anger, fear and even promotion of cancer growth.

When heavy metals enter the body and are not eliminated safely, they can settle in specific organs, tissues or glands. They can even collect in the nasal cavities driving sinusitis, nasal polyps and allergies. The thyroid gland is like a ‘sponge’ that has an affinity for soaking up heavy metals which can drive thyroid problems like polyps, nodules and even autoimmunity. They can affect the pancreas lowering enzyme levels and dysregulate insulin driving a high risk of diabetes.

Heavy metals are also known as ‘metall-oestrogens’, which are very similar to xeno-estrogens as they act like endocrine disruptors. They have an affinity for estrogen receptors and therefore mimic the actions of estrogen driving hormonal imbalances, fertility problems and even hormonal cancers in both men and women.  The worst of these include aluminium, antimony, arsenic, barium, cadmium, lead, mercury, nickel and tin.  Heavy metals are now found everywhere – everytime you touch your phone, a computer screen or key, shower in town water, drink or eat from a can you are exposing yourself to more heavy metals.  


Heavy Metal Danger and Sources



Aluminium can severely affect the body’s nervous system and brain. It is a neurotoxin that blocks dopamine receptors leading to poor memory, reduced cognition, low motivation and low energy. It is linked to neurological conditions like Alzheimers. It can also affect bone health and the production of collagen. The major source of this heavy metal is found in our water supply.  When water is fluoridated it is bound to aluminium salts to help clean the water so showering, bathing and drinking from this is an easy way to absorb aluminium. Most toothpaste, makeup, cosmetics and deodorants contain aluminium.  Table salt contains aluminium as its anti-caking agent.   Food cans, cookware and aluminium foil is another rich source of aluminium. One of the highest sources is found in medications and all vaccines.

I use a whole house triple filter system on my mains and an alkaline water filter that produces hydrogen on my drinking tap or a desktop hydrogen filter system. For more information on what I recommend, please visit

Symptoms of too much aluminium includes fatigue, dental caries, hypoparathyroidism, kidney problems, neuromuscular problems, poor memory, foggy brain, low motivation, skin ageing, seizures, shaking, speech problems, muscle weakness, dementia, parkinson’s, alzheimers and more…



Antimony is mixed into alloys and used in lead storage batteries, soldering, sheet and pipe metal, motor bearings, castings, semiconductors, and pewter. Antimony oxide is added to textiles, plastics, rubber, adhesives, pigments and paper to prevent them from catching fire. It is also used in paints, ceramics, ammunition and fireworks, and as enamels for plastics, metal, and glass. Antimony compounds also find medical uses.

Potential Danger of High Levels: Scaly skin, rashes, diarrhea, vomiting, digestive upsets, conjunctivitis, muscle pain, dehydration and high estrogen levels driving hormonal problems and weight gain



Cadmium is mined and released in the air via smelting. Once released in the environment it is absorbed into the soils and is taken up in our food chain. It is commonly found in tobacco, rice, cereal grains, potatoes, vegetables and is used in batteries, soldering and alloy bearings.  It is found in mobile phones, computers, cordless power tools, cameras, power supplies and lights.  In fact, every time you touch your computer keys or iphones you are touching cadmium. Many young children have extremely high cadmium levels as they are constantly on mobile phones, ipads and computers absorbing cadmium from the screens. Seafood, broccoli, soya beans and cocoa are normally the highest food sources of cadmium in the world.

Potential Danger of High Cadmium: Cadmium is a human carcinogen that can drive DNA damage and has possible cancer-causing potential. It is damaging to the kidneys and lungs and is often found in the bones of humans, with a half life of up to 30 years. It creates endocrine disruption and may contribute to prostate, testicular, breast and lung cancers. It can drive hypertension, arthritis, diabetes, arteriosclerosis, cirrhosis, fertility problems, high cholesterol, headaches, kidney disease, schizophrenia, strokes and more.


Image via Pinterest



Mining and metal fabrication are the highest sources of lead in the environment. Other sources are water incinerators, battery recycling, fisher sinkers, cement, plastic and concrete manufacturing, ceramic products like garden pots, iron and steel, petroleum and coal products, motor vehicles, wood products, cable sheeting, protective shields against x-rays, leaded petrol and paints and so many other environmental sources. Pesticides used on fruits, vegetables and other foods contain lead as well as other toxic metals.

Potential Danger of High Exposure: Lead is a health hazard.  It is a horror mineral that when found in high amounts is linked to violence, lowered IQ, attention deficit disorder (ADD), hyperactivity and other mental problems. It is stored in your bones and teeth and can damage the liver, kidneys and brain. Lead can affect the health of babies and can be passed through from parents to new born babies.  Impaired growth, muscle pain, fatigue, loss of energy, loss of appetite, behavioural problems, impaired growth in children, anemia, fertility issues, high blood pressure, poor coordination, back problems, dyslexia, epilepsy, gout, hallucinations, hyperactivity, impotency, infertility, inflammation, thyroid imbalances, tooth decay, libido problems, multiple sclerosis and more. 



The highest source of mercury is found in dental amalgam fillings – they are normally about 50% mercury, 25% silver with the rest being zinc, tin and other compounds. Many dental compounds are made from mercury.  Fish and seafood are often contaminated with mercury with large fish like tuna, shark, king mackerel, halibut, mahi mahi and shellfish being the highest source of this heavy metal.  One of the highest sources of mercury is found in vaccines. This heavy metal blocks iodine, magnesium and selenium. Iodine helps to stop tumor growth in hormonal areas ie. breast, testicular, prostate and uterine and selenium is important to help produce superoxide dismutase to protect against free radical damage that can drive disease.   

Excess mercury can drive cardiovascular problems, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, thyroid problems (due to blocking of iodine), potential prostate and breast cancer problems, adrenal problems, alopecia, bipolar disorder, birth defects, blushing, depression, fatigue, headaches, hearing problems, hyperactivity, memory loss, numbless and tingling and more.


How to Test for Heavy Metals


At ‘Wholistic House’ we use cytofluoremetry devices to measure the levels of minerals, heavy metals and trace elements within your tissues, not in blood.  I find this test more accurate than saliva, blood or urine testing as it can show exact levels within the tissues, not what your body is excreting.  If you would like to book to do this test, please contact 0755363113 or visit

If you live interstate or internationally we can organise a hair mineral analysis to check for toxic metals. Hair can accumulate heavy metals as it is an excretory tissue meaning anything that goes into the body will eventually be eliminated through the hair. It is a good representative for biological monitoring of antimony, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, nickel, selenium and so much more.  This is a useful tool for children as it is completely non-invasive.

How to Remove Heavy Metals

The most important factor to consider when removing heavy metals is to eliminate or reduce the source of your heavy metals first. If you do not remove the source of your exposure ie. water supply, makeup, cosmetics, vaccines etc – you will simply be adding to the load as you try to remove.


It is important to ensure that you always start with CLEAN WATER. So many clients tell me they filter their water, yet they do not filter their shower water. The skin is the largest organ in the human body so it will take in whatever you expose it to. The human body is 80% water and if it continues to receive heavy metals like aluminium, mercury and lead via your water supply then your load will keep increasing. Consider putting on a triple system filter – for recommendations of the best and most reasonable in price please contact us at Wholistic house on 0755363113


I use a NEAR FAR INFARED sauna every second day – I have one in my clinic and one in my house. Near far infared is different than most saunas sold in Australia which are FAR or Full spectrum saunas. Near far light penetrates 6 inches deep into the tissues and organs to help drive out toxins, heavy metals and other contaminants. Far infared only penetrates 0.6 into the skin which can not penetrate deep enough to drive out toxins and heavy metals. Full spectrum simply means near, mid and far – yet it doesn’t contain 100% of near far which is the best frequency for eliminating heavy metals. The sauna I use is called a hyperwellbeing near far sauna – if you wish to buy a 1, 2 or 4 person sauna please visit and for a discount use the code Katrina250 OR you would like to use one we have a four person available in our clinic


Image via Pinterest



I love DNA as it shows each individual’s unique genetic potential including your strengths and weaknesses and also how your genes detoxify toxins and heavy metals.  For example, if have a deletion in any of your liver glutathione genes your ability to detoxify heavy metals could be 70% lower than others. It would therefore make sense to boost glutathione stores to enhance detoxification. If you would love to do a DNA health profile, please contact our clinic on 0755363113 – we can do numerous DNA panels including exercise, diet, resistance, baby, longevity, skin and so much more….

Heavy Metal Chelation Supplements

Luckly nature has equipped us with some of the most powerful foods and plants found on Earth to help eliminate and detoxify dangerous heavy metals. Some of my favourite of these includes:

Phytoplankton is a micro-algae that is five times smaller than a red blood cell, yet this tiny algae is a true superfood being packed with over 100 nutrients including antioxidants, minerals, amino acids, chlorophyll and so much more.  Being so small enables it to permeate directly through the liver and kidneys working its detoxification magic and encouraging the elimination of toxins, heavy metals and other impurities.  We use phytoplankton in my favourite heavy metal chelation formula ‘Clean and Pure’ and we also sell

Chlorella is a single celled algae that can bind to toxins, heavy metals and and alcohol while helping to deliver minerals and nutrients to the body.

Zeolites are crystalline minerals found in the earth that have a catalyst ability to attract heavy metals. There are thousands of zeolites, but the best of these for heavy metal chelation is clinoptilolite.

Activated Charcoal can bind to absorb heavy metals like copper, mercury, arsenic and lead. The porous surface of charcoal has a negative electric charge that causes positive charged toxins and gas to bond with it.

Some of my other favourite nutrients for heavy metal chelation are citrus pectin, NAC, curcumin, Milk Thistle, Coriander, Alpha Lipoic Acid,

At Wholistic House our qualified practitioners have found the most effective lifestyle techniques, powerful supplements and whole foods to encourage quick and effective elimination of heavy metals from the body to restore healthy mineral and nutrient levels for protection.


Katrina’s Fav Wholistic House Picks:

Lipo Super C

Liposomal Glutathione  

Liver Love

Total Body Sweep 

Clean & Pure – my favourite heavy metal chelator



In Love, Gratitude and Purity,


Referenced products

Lipo Super C
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Liposomal Glutathione
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