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Unwelcome Invaders: A Comprehensive Guide to Expelling Parasites, Worms, and Harmful Bacteria from Your Body

Unwelcome Invaders: A Comprehensive Guide to Expelling Parasites, Worms, and Harmful Bacteria from Your Body

Naturopathic Doctor, Clinical Herbalist, Iridologist, Author and Lecturer   The notion of harboring a parasite or protozoa within my body often brings a sense of discomfort. I have spent several years living in Southeast Asia and encountered my fair share of these organisms. Indulging in underco...

BLOAT-FREE- A naturopath's guide to kicking the belly bloat for good

BLOAT-FREE- A naturopath's guide to kicking the belly bloat for good

Naturopathic Doctor, Master Herbalist, Iridologist, Author, Holistic Healer    There is nothing worse than slipping into a gorgeous dress only to feel your belly bulge, shattering your dreams of looking fabulous. This swelling in the stomach can stem from several factors, such as dietary choices,...

Leaky Gut Syndrome – The Culprit Behind Many Health Issues

Leaky Gut Syndrome – The Culprit Behind Many Health Issues

Naturopathic Doctor, Clinical Herbalist, Iridologist, Author   Leaky Gut Syndrome is one of the most under-recognized yet common gut issues I encounter in clinical practice. For years, the medical community dismissed this condition as a mere theory, but recent advancements in gut function testing...

Constipation: Causes and Natural Solutions

Constipation: Causes and Natural Solutions

Constipation occurs when waste moves too slowly through the large bowel. While occasional constipation isn't unusual, when it becomes a regular issue, it can have serious health consequences. Ideally, bowel movements should occur every 12 to 14 hours, not just a few times a week. Chronic constipa...

Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals or EDC's

Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals or EDC's

Some of the most dangerous toxins found in the world today are ‘endocrine disrupting chemicals’ or EDC’s. These toxins can mimic and fool our body’s hormones leading to a disruption in the body’s endocrine system. There are thought to be at least 800 of these chemicals with the most common being ...

Anaemia and Iron deficiencies

Anaemia and Iron deficiencies

  When most of us hear the word anaemia, we think of iron deficiency. This is partly true as a common form of anaemia is known as iron deficiency anaemia, however anaemia means low oxygen levels in the blood due to either a low number of red blood cells (haemolytic anaemia) or low haemoglobin in ...

Insomnia and Sleeplessness

Insomnia and Sleeplessness

At different times in our lives, we may all be affected by sleeplessness.  As a child, I can remember being excited by a special event like Christmas or a birthday and the excitement was so overwhelming I tossed and turned all night in anticipation. As I grew up, this occurred occasionally i...

Stress - The Silent Assassin

Stress - The Silent Assassin

In today's world it is not unusual to experience stressful periods with higher living expenses, a faster way of living, worldwide epidemics and so much more. Although we often think of a stressor as something that causes us to feel ‘stressed’ out, a stressor can be any disturbance that can place ...

Reset Your Metabolism

Reset Your Metabolism

We all love to shift a few extra kilos as it makes us feel stronger, healthier and not to forget how much better we feel in our clothes. The problem with most weight loss diets is that when you decide to have a burger or a sandwich, the fat often comes back with a vengeance. Many weight loss di...

Love your Liver

Love your Liver

The liver is a metabolic powerhouse, performing over 500 functions daily which helps the entire body stay in a balanced, energetic and healthy state.  This amazing organ is the size of a football and is the second largest organ behind the skin. It holds almost 15% of the body’s blood supply and ...