How to fix Endometriosis and Adenomyosis
Endometriosis and Adenomyosis can be painful and debilitating conditions that affect many women’s lives. The pain and suffering is real, however this does not have to be your destiny as the traditional medical way of dealing with these conditions are old and archaic and do nothing to treat the drivers of this imbalance to bring about resolution.
What exactly is endometriosis? During a female reproductive cycle, the endometrial lining thickens in between periods to prepare for a fertilized egg. If the egg doesn’t arrive, the lining comes off and leaves the body as a menstrual period ie bleeding Women who suffer from endometriosis do not lose this lining as normal, rather the lining can grow from the uterus into the pelvic cavity, fallopian tubes, onto the ovaries, bladder or intestines. This can cause severe bloating, inflammation, pain and the excess formation of scar tissue and adhesions.
Adenomyosis is very similar, however the only difference is the endometrial tissue grows into the muscular wall of the uterus making it very thick and enlarged but still linked to similar symptoms.

Pain can occur at any time during the month, but is more prominent during ovulation or a menstrual cycle. It is often a dull, aching, pressure pain felt in the lower abdomen and back area. If the endometriosis is severe, pain with sex, bowel motions or even during urination is also possible. Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, heavy bleeding, blood clots, infertility, irregular menstruation and exhaustion. If the scar tissue sits close to digestive organs, it can also cause irritable bowel type symptoms.
There is a lot mixed debate over what causes endometriosis and adenomyosis. Some doctors speculate that menstrual fluid backs up into the fallopian tubes and sits in the abdominal cavity leaving endometrial cells. Other possible contributing factors proposed include yeast, viral or bacterial drivers, pesticide or toxin exposure, having never been pregnant, overuse of tampons and IUD’s, abdominal surgery and genetic factors. In naturopathic medicine, we understand that excess estrogen in the body of the wrong form can cause an overgrowth of any tissue in hormonal areas of the body. Estrogen is broken down in the small intestines and metabolised in the liver. Certain genetic factors can worsen this breakdown of estrogen forcing the body to take unhealthy pathways. Constipation, a poor diet rich in sugar and saturated fats, stress, parasites and many other factors can definitely worsen this. If the body’s estrogen load metabolises into too much 16 hydroxy estrogen it can stimulate the overgrowth of certain tissues leading to endometriosis, fibroids, ovarian cysts and more.
When a woman is ‘estrogen dominant’ it can have a rebound effect lowering progesterone and in some cases increasing androgens. High levels of estrogen are not always made in the body, they can come from environmental sources. These forms of estrogen are known as xeno-estrogens. Xenoestrogens are dangerous as they mimic estrogen because the body’s tissues find it difficult to distinguish between this and healthy estrogen. They act as a stimulator for cell growth particularly in areas where estrogen receptors are, including the endometrium. Common sources of these include pesticides, non-organic meats and dairy products, organochlorides, PCB’s, PVC’s, certain cleaners, bleach, cosmetics, heavy metals, herbicides and chemicals given off by plastic when heated in microwaves.
Pathology Tests There are some useful pathology tests which can determine your body’s metabolism of hormones. Blood testing for hormones is highly inaccurate. A dutch hormone profile or any hormones measured in urine or saliva is an accurate way to determine your body’s pathways of estrogen. The byproducts of 2, 4 and 16 hydroxylation pathways can be measured in the urine and give a ratio between non-proliferative and proliferative oestrogens. Ideally, there should be twice as much 2-hydroxylated oestrogen as 16-hydroxylated to help prevent endometriosis. If the 2:16 ratio is imbalanced, you can use natural products and herbs like Diindolymethane, Indole-3-Carbinol, Broccoli sprouts, calcium d-glucarate, rosemary and turmeric to clear harmful oestrogens – but remember – the cause still needs to be addressed. I also love doing a gut microbiome mapping test to check for estrogen clearance via the gut and also a DNA health profile to see how the body’s genes eliminate estrogens and toxins. |
Medical doctors often use drugs to block hormone production, particularly of leutenizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). The side-effects involve the development of male characteristics. Many doctors suggest getting pregnant to cure this condition. This is not an option for many women who are not yet ready to have a family. I always recommend finding the cause and working with this to help bring about balance on a holistic level.
Dietary Advice

- Add a natural fibre supplement to help remove bad forms of oestrogen. I personally love PHGG – partially hydrolyzed guar gum – we have a highly potent form of this in the Wholistic House bran called METABURN FIBRE. Use 1 to 2 tablespoons daily.
- Eat more isoflavone rich foods – these plant compounds block aromatase – a substance that converts androgens into estrogen. Rich sources of these include celery, parsley, soybeans, chickpeas, fava beans and pistachios.
- Foods rich in indoles can help to excrete excess estrogen – this includes broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, radish, cabbage, kale and bok choy
- Add lots of prebiotic and probiotic foods into your diet like kim chee, sauerkraut, pickles, yoghurt, kombucha, miso, kefir, banana, artichokes, apples, asparagus, leeks and onions.
- Eat a diet that consists of plenty of raw fruits and vegetables to nourish the body with healing antioxidants for detoxification.
- Include lots of resveratrol rich foods like berries, grape skins, cocoa, peanuts and peanut butter, blueberries, cranberries, strawberries, pistachios and dark chocolate.
- Add lots of ginger and turmeric into your diet to reduce inflammation
- Eat lots of nuts and seeds. Seeds help to support the endocrine glands and nuts provide an array of life giving vitamins and minerals. Make up a mix of sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, pecans and almonds. Try to eat a small handful daily or sprinkle these over your salad. Make sure you activate your nuts and seeds for absorption.
- Include fresh juices in your diet – ‘green drinks’ are preferred and should be made from dark green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale and wheatgrass.
- Eat alfalfa and kale, a great source of Vitamin K needed for healthy hormones
- Eat more iodine rich foods like kelp, celtic sea salt, cod, mushrooms, sunflower seeds and lima beans.
- Organic soybeans, pinto beans, black eyed peas, red kidney beans, red lentils, fava beens, mung beans, lima beans are a rich source of phyto-oestrogens (plant like substances that may mimic oestrogen). These compounds prevent your body from taking up harmful oestrogens that roam through the body. Make sure you purchase only organic, GMO free beans.
- Flaxseeds contain lignans – powerful substances that help to guard against hormonally induced cancers, including endometrial and breast cancer. Flaxseed oil is a natural anti-inflammatory that decreases swelling. Add 2 to 3 tablespoons daily to your diet.
- Other sources of omega 3 fatty acids include chia oil, avocado oil, hemp seeds and oil chia seeds, fish oils and oily nuts like walnuts and pecans.
- Find out if you have any food allergies. If so, follow an elimination diet to help desensitize your body to these.
- Avoid refined sugar, saturated fats, salt, caffeine and dairy products.
- Be careful with alcohol, animal fats, butter, fried foods, foods that contain additives, junk foods, red meats, (poultry – except organically raised and skinless), salt and shellfish.
- Avoid all sprayed foods – try to buy only organic produce
- Never microwave foods in plastic wraps or containers.
- If you are suffering from fluid retention, avoid all chemical diuretics, sugar, salt, allergenic foods, alcohol and coffee.
Useful Herbs and Supplements
Diindolymethane (DIM). | A powerful phytochemical derived from cruciferous vegetables that helps to promote a balance of healthy forms of estrogen, removing harmful hormones and toxins in the liver |
Calcium D-glucarate | This phytonutrient from the brassica family supports healthy liver function and the detoxification of excess estrogens and toxins via liver function |
Fish Oils rich in EPA | Fish oils rich in EPA are important for helping to reduce inflammation that is linked to endometriosis and adenomyosis. |
Magnesium, particularly citrate and glycinate | Magnesium is a natural anti-spasmodic that relieves period pain and cramping while relaxing the nervous system. |
GLA from Evening Primrose Oil or Borage Oil | GLA helps to regulate hormonal and prostaglandin balance in the body. |
Vitamin B complex with extra Vitamin B5 and B6 | Essential for healthy hormone balance and blood cell formation, helps to relieve stress, improves adrenal function and flushes excess body fluids. |
Resveratrol | Resveratrol is a compound found in berries, grapes and other foods – it can block COX2 and aromatase reducing inflammation and pain |
Indole 3 Carbinol | This is a phytonutrient derived from brassica vegetables – it helps to promote healthy estrogen levels via detoxification. It also helps to 4 and 16 estrogen (not ideal) into 2 estrogen (healthy). |
Zinc | This is needed for tissue repair and function – helps with healthy hormone balance |
Probiotics | Probiotics are good” bacteria that keeps the natural biome of your vagina and digestive tract in balance. Prebiotics are foods that promote the growth of probiotics – studies have shown woman with endometriosis often have an imbalance of micro-organisms and prebiotics can help to correct this |
Curcumin from Turmeric | Curcumin is a powerful compound that may help to reduce endometrial swelling and pain. Curcumin can slow endometrial tissue growth by stopping the body from making estriadol, the most potent of all 3 estrogens. |
Green Tea | A chemical in green tea known as EGCG blocks aromatose and impedes angiogenesis. |
SPECIAL TIPS Deep abdominal massage to break up tissue adhesions are useful. Don’t forget the power of silica to dissolve scar tissue. Improve blood and lymph circulation by bouncing 10 minutes daily on a trampoline. Regular exercise helps to improve circulation and remove excess body fat. Body fat is a secondary production site for estrogen, so excess weight means more estrogen. Hot castor oil packs applied daily can help to break up scar tissue and resolve inflammation |
Herbs to the Rescue

The best hormone balancing herbs for endometriosis include Rehmannia, Milk Thistle, Cramp Bark, Schisandra, Squaw vine, Licorice and Thuja – some of my other fav’s include:
BURDOCK & DANDELION ROOT – Helps to balance hormones, cleanse the liver and improve digestion
ST MARY’S THISTLE optimizes liver function clearing excess hormones and estrogen.
CHASTETREE or VITEX supports increased production of progesterone helping to regulate progesterone and estrogen balance. Elevated estrogens are linked to endometriosis and this herb can help to balance this.
WHITE PEONY is amazing for ovarian function and helps to support healthy progesterone and androgen function. It reduces menstrual and period pain and
CHAMOMILE has long been used as a herbal aid to calm the body and mind. This can help to ease endometrial pain and cramps. Chamomile contains a compound known as chrysin that causes apoptosis in endometrial tissues that grow out of control.
TURMERIC can reduce estrogen production while reducing pain and inflammation.
DONG QUAI is a great for menstrual cramping or pain. The Chinese practitioners consider this herb a warming blood tonic that helps to promote healthy red blood cell formation while improving circulation
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In love, health and hormonal harmony,
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