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Article: The Body's Immune Army

The Body's Immune Army

The Body's Immune Army

Wage war against Flu’s, Cold’s, Viruses & COVID this Winter

The immune system is one of the most amazing systems in the human body.  Its role is to wage war against harmful microbes, bacteria and viruses that cause disease.  It is a complex army battalion composed of different soldiers, commanders and arsenal. 

To understand the vital role that immunity plays in good health, it is helpful to understand exactly how it works.  The immune system’s main role is to detect anything that is foreign or harmful and then destroy or neutralize these predators to protect the body against further harm.  It is made up of lymphatic vessels and organs (lymph nodes, thymus gland, spleen, tonsils and adenoids), specialized cells including white blood cells and other unique chemical factors.

Babies are born with a natural immune system that develops with age, experience, good nutrition, genetics and lifestyle.  It learns to defend itself against a number of different invaders which are known as antigens.  It is so clever as it can identify these and remember them for next time.  This is done through two forms of immunity known as cell-mediated and humoral immunity.

In cell-mediated immunity, white blood cells (the immune soldiers) including T lymphocytes mark and destroy dangerous cells, viruses, bacteria and fungi.  T lymphocytes are grown in the thymus gland (the general of the immune system).  They are released into the bloodstream and seek out and destroy antigens programmed into their memories.  

Humoral immunity makes antibodies to destroy antigens.  These antibodies are made by a different rank of soldiers in the immune army, known as B lymphocytes.  The B lymphocytes are made in the bone marrow.  The B cells are clever as they can produce any antibody to match any foreign invader.  

White blood cells are the body’s first line of defense.  The most important of these are neutrophils (bacteria destroyers), eosinophils (eat and destroy antibody-antigen complexes), basophils (secrete specific compounds), T and B cell lymphocytes and natural killer cells.  There are also monocytes, which are the rubbish eaters that are designed to gobble up and destroy anything foreign including tumor cells.  They can transform into macrophages. 

The lymphatic system is our internal ‘rubbish removal’ system.  It helps to filter toxins and wastes from tissues.  Lymphatic fluid flows through lymph nodes and the macrophages clean out the baddies returning clean fluid to the venous circulation.  

If you suspect your immune system is sub optimal you may be experiencing tiredness, repeated infections, viruses, cold’s or flu’s, inflammatory problems, allergies, poor wound healing, rashes and recurrent thrush and vaginal infections, just to name a few.  A healthy person normally picks up around two colds per year.  If you have succumbed to any more than this as well as other niggling illnesses, you need to give your immunity and lymphatic system a good kick start back towards optimal health.

What exactly weakens the immune system? Negative emotions, long-term stress, nutrient deficiencies of zinc, B vitamins, Vitamin C, D and A, iron, lysine and others, a poor diet rich in sugar, saturated fats and processed foods, obesity, a lack of exercise, over-exercising, smoking, a high alcohol intake, use of recreational drugs, a lack of sunlight, poor sleep, a high exposure to toxins, pollution or chemicals, electromagnetic fields from  computer terminals and mobile phones and living in air conditioning or central heating can all weaken immunity.

So how can you get your immune soldiers to wage a better war against illness and foreign invaders?  Some great immune army fortifying strategies are listed below.

Supporting the Immune System

Nutritional Advice

Diet is one of the most important immune enhancement tools.  Soldiers need good nutrition to stay alert and strong both physically and mentally.  Adding more plant-based foods rich in antioxidants is a wonderful way to increase your defenses against disease. Foods that nourish the immune soldiers include onions, garlic, ginger, turmeric, cayenne, whole grains, legumes, fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel, salmon, sardines), nuts and seeds, sprouts and green, orange and yellow vegetables, broccoli, citrus, red bell peppers, spinach, almonds, sunflower seeds, green tea, bone broths, papaya and kiwi fruit.  Protein is essential to maintaining immune strength and tissue repair.  I would also suggest eating organic produce to avoid dangerous pesticides and herbicides overloading your lymphatic system. Eating in moderation is important as this leaves plenty of time for the immune system to regenerate, rather than wasting all its energy digesting food.  A little bit of intermittent fasting is a great way to boost immunity.

Adding more fermented foods to the diet is important to help boost gut immunity. Increasing gut bacteria via prebiotic foods like kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, kimchi, natto and others is a great way to build up your microbiome to defend off predators. 

Avoid immune robbing enemies like SUGAR, white flour products, artificial and processed foods, saturated fats, caffeine, excessive animal protein and full fat dairy products.  These devitalized foods rob the body of valuable nutrients required for optimal immunity.


1 cup of organic rice milk, hemp or nut milk

½ cup of purified water

2 tablespoons of moringa or camu camu (rich in Vitamin C and immune boosters)

1 tablespoon of a Super Greens (wheatgrass, spirulina, blue-green algae)

2 tablespoons of Hemp or Flaxseed Oil (omega 3 rich)

1 tablespoon of Maitake, Reishi, Maitake, Turkey Tail mushroom mix powder or extract

A handful of berries or banana or papaya or other type of in season fruit

1 teaspoon of activated manuka honey


Mix all of the ingredients together in a blender.

To find out of the highest quality brands of these superfoods, please contact the clinic. 

Thymus Gland Tapping

Gently tap on your thymus gland daily to stimulate the release of white blood cells and improve thymus gland health.  This is located in the middle of your chest, between the breasts, just above the sternum.

Immune Super Nutrients


Antioxidants are powerful substances that help to guard against free radical damage to the immune cells and the thymus gland.  This gland is essential in the production of white blood cells and other important immune factors.  Antioxidant supplementation will improve immune responses in anyone exposed to lots of free radicals. The best antioxidants for immunity are Vitamin A and carotenes, Vitamin E, Vitamin C and selenium.  The best way to get these is to add more plant based foods into your diet. 

Vitamin C and Bioflavanoids

Vitamin C is essential to all immune functions including antibody and white blood cell production and activity.  It also helps to make interferon, antiviral and anticancer substances.  It guards against toxic exposure from different chemicals, toxins and heavy metals and easily reduces the duration and severity of the common cold, flu and viruses. 

Vitamin C helps to stimulate white blood cell migration, inhibiting viruses and bacteria.  For immune protection take 1 to 3 grams x 3 times daily.  Always use a high potency liposomal Vitamin C – we make one of the best liposomal Vitamin C products in our clinic – LIPO SUPER C.  If you are coming down with something, take higher amounts for a short period. 

Vitamin A and Carotenes 

Vitamin A is known as the ‘anti-infection’ vitamin as it provides a protective barrier on the skin surface, respiratory and gastrointestinal tract against invasion from dangerous microorganisms.  It helps to stimulate many immune functions including improved antibody response, the induction of anti-tumor activity and the activity of white blood cells like T lymphocytes and phagocytes.  It possesses anti-viral properties and prevents immune suppression from burns, surgery, respiratory infections, viral diseases and stress. 

There are hundreds of different types of carotenes with many of these able to be converted into Vitamin A.  Carotenes are the substances that give many fruits and vegetables their brilliant red and yellow colours.  Carotenes can increase T cells including helper T cells helping to defend against viruses, infection, cancer and allergies.  The best way to obtain natural carotenes is by eating foods rich in these including carrots, apricots, broccoli, capsicum and similar foods.

Vitamin D and K2

Vitamin D deficiency is linked to increased autoimmunity and increased susceptibility to infection. Our body contains cell receptors for Vitamin D in nearly every cell of the human body. Vitamin D influences the expression of over 200 genes in the human body. Vitamin D boosts innate immunity while also lowering inflammatory reactions. Vitamin D strengthens T cells lowering inflammatory cytokines.  This vitamin absorbs best with other fat soluble vitamins like Vitamin A and K and often needs magnesium and zinc for efficient absorption. 


1 tablespoon of Lipo Super C – a potent form of absorbable vitamin C

1 teaspoon of liposomal Vitamin D3/K2 – super absorbable Vitamin D and K2

1 teaspoon of liposomal Magnesium – super absorbable magnesium glycinate

1 teaspoon of liposomal Quercetin/Zinc – high dose quercetin and zinc

1 teaspoon of liposomal Turmeric – over 100 powerful compounds 


Mix all of our  high potency liposomals together to make a super immune drink.

If you would like to buy the ingredients for this amazing immune blend – contact Wholistic House on 0755363113 or visit


Selenium is important for disease resistance.  It forms part of the antioxidant enzyme, glutathione peroxidase, which helps to boost immunity while protecting white blood cells against free radical damage.  It helps to guard against infections and improves thymus gland function.  Brazil nuts are a great source of selenium. 

B Vitamins

B vitamins are essential for healthy immunity and stress resistance.  Vitamin B6 plays a crucial role in maintaining immunity by enhancing antibody production and cell-mediated immunity.  If Vitamin B6 levels drop, white blood cells often drop in conjunction with antibodies.  People with pyrroluria or pyrrole disorder are prone to deficiencies of this vitamin. 

Vitamin B12 and Folic Acid deficiency can reduce white blood cell quality and quantity.  Folic acid deficiency can cause a shrinking of the thymus gland and Vitamin B12 deficiency affects the ability of white blood cells to engulf and destroy harmful organisms.  Anyone with double MTHFR genes are prone to deficiencies of this vitamin.  If you want to find out more, we can organize a full DNA test to check. 

Biotin, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2 and B5 can result in a lower antibody and white blood cell response and shrinking of the thymus gland.  This has a negative effect on immunity.


Iron deficiency can cause thymus gland and lymph node shrinkage, poor white blood cell response and a poor ratio of T cells to B cells.  It also results in poor growth and function of red blood cells resulting in anemia and immune suppression.  Iron should never be given during an acute infection as it can worsen bacterial growth.  My favourite forms of iron are beef liver capsules, iron bound to lactoferrin and herbs rich in this like nettles, parsley, dandelion and yellowdock.  To find out the best iron for your needs, contact one of our practitioners on 0755363113. 


Zinc is the most important immune mineral.  It is needed for healthy antibody production, white blood cell function, thymus gland health and hormone balance.  It helps to maintain resistance against infections and is important for healthy wound healing.  A low zinc level can decrease natural killer cells, T cells and other important immune substances.  It is able to inhibit bacteria and viral overgrowth while boosting interferon levels.  It guards against several viruses including the common cold, shingles and the herpes viruses.  Not all forms of zinc are absorbable and heavy metals like cadmium and lead can block its absorption.

Glandular Therapy

Glandular therapy involves using glandular extracts to support and strengthen specific organs and tissues.  It is likely that the basic components of the gland tissues may offer the precursor substances that our own bodies and glands can use to enhance their functions.  They also supply the basic nutrients needed for ideal function. The best glandulars for immunity are thymus and spleen extracts. 

Beta Glucan

Beta glucan is a simple substance derived from baker's or brewers yeast.  It works to activate the macrophage immune cells and in turn the entire immune response. Beta Glucans have been investigated extensively for their role in immune enhancement, particularly in their ability to active macrophage cells and in turn, the T cells, natural killer cells and B cells.  Maitake, shitake, turkey tail and oyster mushrooms, seaweeds, oats and barley also contain beta-glucans. 


Colostrum is the ‘first food’ derived from the initial letdown of milk following birth.  When a mother gives birth, her milk is rich in immunoglobulins and other life supporting nutrients including protein.  Humans can get this super supplement from baby calves. It is a rich source of antibodies and immune enhancers designed to protect against viruses, bacteria and allergies.  Colostrum contains immunoglobulins to help neutralize toxins, reduce bacterial, fungal and viral infections and to produce antibodies to reduce allergic reactions. Not all colostrum sources are reliable.  To find out the best, contact one of our practitioners. 

Medicinal Mushrooms like Shitake, Reishi, Turkey Tail, Lions Mane, Maitake and others

Medicinal mushrooms have hit the world by storm. They contain powerful substances that can activate a wide array of immune responses and white blood cell function. The most powerful of the immune boosting mushrooms are shitake, maitake, reishi, cordyceps, tremella and others.  Cordyceps also known as caterpillar fungus dramatically boosts lymphocyte production and other factors within the immune system.  Tremella or silver ear mushroom is a Chinese mushroom that is used to regulate lymphocyte production in conditions like cancer.  Ganoderma or reishi helps with lymphocyte production as well as providing anti-histamine effects.  Shitake is a powerful lymphyocyte stimulator that can increase interferon as well as T helper and natural killer cell activity.  Without doubt, the Asian medicinal mushrooms are some of the most powerful substances on earth for regulating immune responses.

Lifestyle Advice

Near Far Infared Sauna Therapy – A near far infared sauna is different than a far infared sauna – it heats the body’s CORE temperature penetrating 5 inches deep to drive out toxins, chemicals, heavy metals and other immune suppressing poisons. It can help to kill viruses, fungi, parasites and other bad bacteria and predators – to find out the right sauna contact 0755363113 or book here.

Exercise - The immune system is greatly influenced by regular exercise.  The endorphins and enkephalins released by exercise make you feel wonderful and uplifted. However, excessive exercise will have the reverse effect by generating excessive free radicals and ammonia, thereby weakening immunity.

Balanced Emotional State - The most important factor that stimulates healthy immunity is a positive and balanced emotional state.  This can be attained through a number of methods including playing with pets or children, laughing, having fun, doing what you love, skilled relaxation, positive affirmations, visualizations or imagery, getting adequate rest and exercise, achieving goals and enjoying life.

Environment - Living in clean environments with good air circulation is important to health.  Beautiful environments like the beach, ocean, waterfalls, mountains and deserts have high amounts of negative ions in the air, which promote a healthy immune system function and uplift emotions helping to remove mould and positive ions that can drive disease.

Laughter - Cultivate a good sense of humor, have fun and laugh often.  Laughter has an anti-stress effect on the body.  It lowers cortisol and adrenaline and eases the body’s stress response preserving immunity.

Sleep – Sleeping 8 hours nightly is extremely important to repair and nourish the body’s immune system. Poor or broken sleep has a negative effect on immunity and white blood cells. If you are not sleeping well, consult with one of our qualified practitioners so we can work out why and help to put you into a dreamy lullabye again.

Sunlight - Sunlight is extremely important in enhancing immune system function while having a positive effect on moods and emotions.  

Touching and Being Touched - As humans we need to feel accepted and loved.  Touch in whatever form, whether it be a kiss, hug, gentle touch or holding hands, enhances the feelings of ‘love’ to boost immunity.

Intermittent Fasting/Cleansing - Regular detoxification increases immune response, gives the immune system a chance to repair, heals damage and prolongs life.  

Relaxation/Meditation - Meditation brings about a sense of calm, peace and serenity and hence has a positive effect on immune function.  Visualizing positive outcomes and good health sets up a plan for the subconscious mind to carry out these desires and wishes.

Hydrotherapy - Alternating hot and cold showers or applications mobilizes white blood cells to effectively combat infections, stimulates resistance and vitality.

Pets - The human-animal bond is emotional in nature, and given that emotions and neuropeptides are linked, our pets may very well help to maintain or enhance the strength of our immune system. Pets release us from loneliness and increase our sense of responsibility, joy, compassion and emotional and physical well-being.

Herbs to the Rescue

Great herbs to help boost immunity include Garlic (Allium Sativum), Echinacea (E. angustifolia and E. purpurea), Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus), Goldenseal (Hydrastis Canadensis), Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Ginseng(Panax Ginseng and Eleutherococcus senticosus), Elderberry, Cat’s Claw (Uncaria tomentosa), Pau d’ ArcoSchizandra (Schisandra chinensis, sphenanthera), Andrographis, (Withania Somnifera), Olive Leaf, Gingko Biloba, St Johnswort (Hypericum perforatum), Red Clover (Trifolium Pratense), Lemon Balm and Rhodiola.

Wholistic House Anti-Viral

  • Astragalus
  • Andrographis
  • Elderberry
  • Cordyceps
  • Baical Skullcap
  • Liquorice

These herbs are some of the most powerful immune boosters on the planet. At Wholistic House we can make this blend to help boost your immunity and guard against colds, flu’s viruses, shingles and other nasty predators.  We can also make this in a delicious glycetract for children and alter the herbal combination based on your specific needs. 

Andrographis (Withania Somnifera) has a long history for use with bacterial and

viral infections. It works well at relieving fevers and reducing mucous congestion linked

to colds and influenza.  It is a great immune system stimulant that guards against all types of


Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceous) is an incredible immune system stimulant that increases interferon production and enhances the fighting ability of natural killer cells.  These are important cells vital in fighting cancer and disease.  It protects against several forms of bacteria and reduces the severity and symptoms of the common cold and allergies. 

Cat’s Claw (Uncaria tomentosa) is an amazing herb that helps to boost natural killer cell function and changes cytokine production.  This results in a reduced duration of viral infections such as colds, influenza and even more chronic immune conditions.  

Echinacea works in harmony with your body’s own immune system to stimulate the production of white blood cells involved in fighting infections and disease.  It increases the number and activity of white blood cells, vital cells in fighting disease.  

Olive Leaf helps to kill viruses, fungi and bacteria while bolstering the body’s immune system.  It works extremely well at reducing the severity and symptoms of colds and influenza and is particularly effective against yeast infections like candida albicans.  

My Wholistic House picks:

Immune Warrior

I am Complete

Wholistic House Anti - Viral

Lipo Super C

Liposomal Quercetin and Zinc 

Liposomal D3/k2

When purchasing supplements and herbs to boost immunity, it is important to buy from a reliable and ethical source. Most products available overseas and on the internet, do not contain what they claim to have as there are no laws in most countries guaranteeing source quality and purity – so they can basically claim anything they want. In Australia, we have strict TGA guidelines that ensure practitioner products and herbs are pure and contain exactly what is advertised. At Wholistic House we only sell the highest quality, reliable practitioner based products and herbs to ensure we get amazing results to help boost your immunity and health.  If you would like more information or help to guide you in the right direction, please visit or call 0755363113 x  

In Love, Health and Gratitude Always.

Referenced products

Immune Warrior
Immune Warrior Regular price$185.00 Sale priceFrom $157.25
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Liposomal D3/K2
Liposomal D3/K2 Regular price$55.00 Sale priceFrom $44
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Liposomal Quercetin/Zinc
Liposomal Quercetin/Zinc Regular price$70.00 Sale priceFrom $56
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Super D3/K2
Super D3/K2 Regular price$55.00 Sale priceFrom $44
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Lipo Super C
Lipo Super C Regular price$135.00 Sale priceFrom $108
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